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ReloadWhen asking the Holy Spirit a question, first get a clear idea of the question in your mind.
When you are ready, say "Holy Spirit, do you want me to _______" and then tap Ask.
The Holy Spirit will always answer you.
Ask the Holy SpiritYou might question why you would want to turn your decision making over to an app, after all, how could it know what is best for you?
A Course in Miracles says that there is ultimately no difference between any two options or choices. Within the illusion of life, everything has an equal value, or no value at all.
The real power of the App is that it takes control away from your ego and it frees your mind's grip from its attachment to preferences and desires.
The best decision you can make is one not based on ego thinking and this App gives you an easy way to systematically dethrone the ego.
If you habitually go for a run, you can be sure the ego has hijack the experience from you and is using it to control your mood. Ask the Holy Spirit if he wants you to run, he might says yes. If not, ask if you wants you to swim or walk that day. You can sent reminders to help you keep track of alternative choices if you receive an unexpected no.
In the illusion it does not matter what you do, but the ego has us conditioned to believe that a certain object or activity is vital to your well being. Take control away from the ego and you will more easily align with God's Will.
As your use and experience of the App grows, you will intuitively learn what questions to ask and you will continually align with the Holy Spirits decisions, which are directed by God's Will.
Ask the Holy SpiritYour life is a series of choices, some are subtle and smooth, while some are sharp and deep. Some are clear and easy, while some are muddled and confusing. And that just makes up a small portion of them, the rest you have no idea you are making.
They are constant and continuous, they are unconscious and invisible. Your decisions have been devoured by the creature of habit.
The same choice made over and over is still a choice, but we stop seeing it that way. The choices blur together as a series of mindless events that subtly rule over our lives.
Wake up. Get out of bed. Take a shower. Drink coffee. Drive to work. Listen to music. Sit at your desk. Check your email.
How many unconscious decisions have you made today?
Brush your teeth. Put on socks. Check your phone. Walk the dog.
Ego autonomy has you in perpetual motion without questioning why. You've turned your life over to your own worst enemy. You are a slave to yourself.
Only the Holy Spirit knows God's Will and he has no voice in the hushed mind of habit. How can you hear the Holy Spirit guide you when you've left the controls of your mind on auto pilot? You've left the radio unmanned and His calm clear directions are left unheard.
Ego autonomy has spawned billions of years of evolution. Millions of lives unfold in stories retold and retold.
Go to school. Get a job. Go to work. Buy a car. Pay the rent.
Who's life are you living? How many choices have you surrendered to the ego as a "way of life"?
Ask the Holy spirit every step of the way to train yourself to let go of ego thinking and to align yourself with God's Will. This is the only path to true peace, love, and happiness.
Ask the Holy Spirit